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Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation)

"Hermeneutics" (Biblical Interpretation) consists of 17 sessions, and was taught at Bethel World Outreach Church, an Every Nation member church, in Brentwood, Tennessee. The purpose of the course is as follows:
  • This course seeks to impart a love, reverence and passion for the Word of God with a corresponding desire to read, study, apply and teach it with increased accuracy, understanding and conviction.  The student will learn some of the key principles necessary to guide careful, systematic study of the Bible in order to discover the original, intended meaning of any given portion of Scripture, so that he/she may more accurately apply the Bible to today’s relevant needs.
This webpage serves as a resource to access lecture notes and audio for this class. For more technical information regarding accessing the resources, see "Technical Info" at the bottom of this page.

Course Textbook: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 3rd Edition, by Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart, (Zondervan, 2003).

  1. Jan. 6, 2011 - Introduction: Theological Studies
  2. Jan. 13, 2011 - Introduction: Exegesis and Hermeneutics
  3. Jan. 27, 2011 - Historical Context
  4. Feb. 3, 2011 - Literary Context
  5. Feb. 17, 2011 - Content
  6. Feb. 24, 2011 - Interpretive Principles
  7. Mar. 3, 2011 - Biblical Imagery
  8. Mar. 10, 2011 - Postmodernism by Dr. Brian Miller
  9. Mar. 17, 2011 - Postmodernism; Allegorization
  10. Mar. 24, 2011 - The Biblical Metanarrative
  11. Mar. 31, 2011 - Application
  12. Apr. 7, 2011 - OT Narrative & Acts
  13. Apr. 14, 2011 - Gospels & Parables
  14. Apr. 28, 2011 - The Law
  15. May 5, 2011 - Prophets and Revelation
  16. May 19, 2011 - Psalms and Wisdom
  17. May 26, 2011 - The Authority of Scripture
Technical Info

NOTES - All notes are posted in the PDF format on Google Docs. They should automatically load and be visible onscreen after you click the link, but can also be downloaded and viewed later on most computers. If you cannot view the document after it is downloaded, you may need to download and install Adobe Reader. (If this link is broken, simply google "Adobe Reader," go to the appropriate website and follow the directions to install the program.) The PDF format being used will allow you to view and print the notes, but does not allow you to copy or alter text.

AUDIO - All audio is posted in the MP3 format. Currently, it is necessary for you to download the entire file to your computer and then play it with an appropriate media player. If the file does not play after you download it, you most likely need an up-to-date version of iTunes or Windows Media Player or Real Player. (If these links are broken, simply google the phrase "download iTunes" or "download Windows Media Player" or "download RealPlayer," go to the appropriate website and follow the directions to install the program.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this course online!