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21 November, 2010

God's Story of Redemption

If you've visited this blog before, you may have noticed that I have taken a temporary hiatus from the series of posts I've been doing on the Apostolic Gospel. This is because of the work I've been putting into a lengthy class entitled "The Bible: God's Story of Redemption." Each week I am posting the audio and notes online here at this blog on a separate page, which can be accessed by the link provided at the top of the right hand column.

So far I've covered the following concepts in the biblical narrative:
  • The importance of historical-cultural research in the interpretation of Scripture
  • The Creation being designed by God as his "Cosmic Temple"
  • Humanity being made by God as his "Living Image"
  • The Creation Mandate given to humanity by God
  • The Fall and its consequences vis-a-vis the Creation Mandate
  • The election of Abraham for the blessing of all nations & the recovery of the Creation Mandate

For those interested in the Apostolic Gospel series, I hope to be making some additional posts during the upcoming holidays.

Speaking of which, I hope you have a blessed holiday season with friends and family (beginning with Thanksgiving if you're an American)!


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