We live in a cruciform world that is not reducible to formulaic faith teachings. Our contemporary understanding of the developmental process of life on this planet, when interpreted from a biblical worldview, clearly indicates that the design by which God created the world anticipated the Fall and its cosmological consequences. Cruciformity (bearing the marks of the cross; i.e., suffering for the ultimate benefit of others) is embedded into the very fabric of animated existence in our world.
C.S. Lewis in The Problem of Pain argues that this world may not merely be the "best of all possible worlds" through which God's specific purposes may be achieved for our benefit and his own glory, but that this world may indeed be the only possible world through which this may take place. It is both illuminating and comforting to know that the ultimate revelation of God is given us in Christ hanging on the cross followed by his resurrection.
Both the fallenness of our own constitution and the cruciformity of this world make suffering unavoidable. To be sure, God is glorified when faith toward him is exercised and he sovereignly delivers us from suffering by his great power. Yet he is also glorified when we endure suffering and demonstrate self-denying, cross-carrying trust and obedience toward him as we follow the steps of Christ.
In either case, let us be thankful in the midst of our circumstances for this world will soon enough be transformed when Christ returns and consummates God's eternal plan of redemption. And heaven will likely be our part sooner than that.
Your comments are welcome. Please use the "comments" link at the end of each post.
24 November, 2011
22 November, 2011
The Eternity of God
Without beginning or end, God's eternity contrasts sharply with our own mortality. The ninth lesson in the series The Attributes of God focuses on God's eternal nature considered in relationship to created time, human mortality, and the hope of eternal life. Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the link in the upper right column on this page.
Attributes of God
11 November, 2011
The Self-Sufficiency of God
God has no intrinsic need for his creation, including humans, in any respect whatsoever. Nevertheless, God desires us with an eternal desire of love. We, on the other hand, are dependent in every respect: physically, relationally, psychologically, and especially spiritually. Through the incarnation, the Son of God entered our world of dependence. Through him we have reconciliation with God and access to his provision for our lives.
God's Self-Sufficiency is the topic of the eighth lesson in the series, The Attributes of God, which can be accessed here or in the upper right column of this page.
God's Self-Sufficiency is the topic of the eighth lesson in the series, The Attributes of God, which can be accessed here or in the upper right column of this page.
Attributes of God
04 November, 2011
Jesus Overcomes Adversity
Life can be frustrating, especially if you have noble goals and objectives burning in your heart. Jesus himself expressed exasperation and frustration as is recorded in the Gospels. Many years ago I wrote a brief paper on the adversity which Jesus faced and overcame. In it I reflect upon his discouraging circumstances, flawed disciples, hostile opposition, brutal violence, suffering friends, and personal loneliness. Just as he overcame all of this, so also he expects us to do the same and tells us how. The paper can be accessed here.
Note: Harry Emerson Fosdick's The Manhood of the Master served as the basis for much of what is communicated in this paper. While I found his book to be enormously helpful for reflection upon Jesus' humanity, this is not an endorsement of all of his theological views.
Note: Harry Emerson Fosdick's The Manhood of the Master served as the basis for much of what is communicated in this paper. While I found his book to be enormously helpful for reflection upon Jesus' humanity, this is not an endorsement of all of his theological views.
02 November, 2011
The Authority of Scripture
I wrote a position paper for Every Nation Churches & Ministries some time ago on the authority of Scripture. Topics briefly covered include:
You may also access the paper here.
- The Authority of God
- The Nature of Biblical Revelation
- The Establishment of the Biblical Canon
- The Nature of Biblical Inspiration
- Understanding Inerrancy & Infallibility
- The Dialogue of Scripture, Tradition, Reason & Experience
- The Clarity & Sufficiency of Scripture
- The Interpretation & Application of Scripture
- Existential Response To & Eschatological Purpose Of The Bible
You may also access the paper here.
27 October, 2011
The Omnipresence of God
God is present everywhere all the time in all his power, and yet the universe cannot contain him. At the same time his manifest presence is veiled from sinful humanity, but revealed in measures through the Holy Spirit to the humble, believing. These thoughts (God's omnipresence and his immanence) are the focus of the seventh installment in the Attributes of God series. Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the link in the upper right column.
Attributes of God
14 October, 2011
The Omnipotence of God
The Omnipotence of God marks the sixth installment of the Attributes of God series. After a brief consideration of God's unlimited power and ability, attention is given to seven implications of God's omnipotence as it pertains to us as humans. Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the appropriate link in the right hand column.
Attributes of God
24 September, 2011
The Omniscience of God
"The Omniscience of God" is the fifth teaching in the series, "The Attributes of God," and focuses on God's quality of possessing all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, past, present, and future, both in terms of reality and potentiality. Audio and notes files can be accessed here, or by clicking the link in the upper right column of this page.
Attributes of God
The Immutability of God
"The Immutability of God" is the fourth teaching in the series, "The Attributes of God," and focuses on God's quality of being unchanging in his being, character, and powers. Audio and notes files can be accessed here, or by clicking the link in the upper right column of this page.
Attributes of God
25 August, 2011
The Perfection of God
This third teaching from the series, "The Attributes of God," focused on God's perfection, both in his being and in his ways. Some consideration is also given to how this should impact our lives. Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the appropriate link in the upper right column on this page.
Attributes of God
24 August, 2011
The Personhood of God
The second installment of a new series, "The Attributes of God," is now available here in both audio and note files. This study focuses on five ways in which the Triune nature of God has bearing upon humanity, which was created to manifest God's image. These include the following: God is relational, diverse, unified, co-equal, and "structured." Click the link in the upper right hand column of this page to access the series.
Attributes of God
01 June, 2011
Audio for Lesson 26
I just corrected the link to the audio for the 26th and final lecture from the course, "God's Story of Redemption." This lecture provides a brief summary to the course. You may access it here.
Mission of God,
26 May, 2011
Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) - completed
The seventeen session course on Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) is now complete. Audio and notes are available here. Session topics included the following:
- Intro: Theological Studies
- Intro: Exegesis & Hermeneutics
- Historical Context
- Literary Context
- Content
- Interpretive Principles
- Biblical Imagery
- Postmodernism
- Postmodernism; Allegorization
- The Biblical Metanarrative
- Application
- OT Narrative & Acts
- Gospels & Parables
- The Law
- Prophets & Revelation
- Psalms & Wisdom
- The Authority of Scripture
22 May, 2011
Psalms & Wisdom Literature
Interpreting the Psalms and the wisdom literature of the Old Testament (Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Job) is the focus of the sixteenth class of my course on "Hermeneutics" (Biblical Interpretation). Audio and notes are available here.
God's Story of Redemption - Summary
The final class of the course, "God's Story of Redemption," provides a brief summary of the entire course, which has focused on the biblical metanarrative of redemption. The course concludes with a consideration of whether the course objectives were met, and what impact, if any, the course will have on the student's pursuit of the mission of God.
The course objective is summarized as follows: Students should grow in their theological understanding of the biblical metanarrative of redemption in terms of its grounding in the purposes of creation, its cohesiveness throughout Scripture, and its objectives in the present and coming ages, and consequently grow in their awe of God, their eschatological hope for the return of Jesus Christ, and their desire to holistically engage in God’s mission now.
Audio and notes are available here.
The course objective is summarized as follows: Students should grow in their theological understanding of the biblical metanarrative of redemption in terms of its grounding in the purposes of creation, its cohesiveness throughout Scripture, and its objectives in the present and coming ages, and consequently grow in their awe of God, their eschatological hope for the return of Jesus Christ, and their desire to holistically engage in God’s mission now.
Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
18 May, 2011
Bethel - Ministry Team
I've just set up a new page to access audio and notes resources for Bethel World Outreach Church's Ministry Team. Although these will eventually be posted on the church's website, I want to make them available here as well. You can access the page by using the link in the upper right hand column of this page, or simply click here.
Here's a brief overview of the Ministry Team:
Here's a brief overview of the Ministry Team:
Ministry Team
Purpose = to facilitate & foster healthy discipleship ministry throughout Bethel
Ministry Team Leaders
Responsibility = oversee those involved in making disciples at Bethel
Qualifications = proven fruitfulness in making disciples & raising up leaders
Ministry Team Members
Responsibility = actively make disciples (Life Group or Ministry dept., 1:1 discipleship)
Empowerment = altar ministry, follow up at various events, Life Group leadership
Qualifications = faithful membership at Bethel
16 May, 2011
The Apostolic Gospel
The 25th installment of God's Story of Redemption focuses on "The Apostolic Gospel." The content is comprised of an analysis of the core elements of the apostolic preaching as recorded in Acts. Also considered are the consequent responses to the apostolic gospel, and some implications for the church's proclamation today. Audio and notes are available here.
Apostolic Gospel,
Mission of God,
08 May, 2011
The Church's Mission
Today's "God's Story of Redemption" class focused on the Church's Mission, discussing how the church is to serve the world as a sign and a sacrament of the coming reign of Christ, and how this mission, while fundamentally evangelistic, also embraces both individual and community formation, and must be holistic in scope. Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
05 May, 2011
The Prophets & Revelation
Interpreting the OT Prophets and the Book of Revelation are the subject matter of today's Hermeneutics class. Audio and notes are available here.
01 May, 2011
The Return of Jesus
The fascinating topic of the physical return of Jesus to earth and the subsequent fulfillment of both Old Testament messianic prophecies and New Testament promises is the subject of the twenty-third lesson in my course, God's Story of Redemption. The return of Jesus, more so than our going to heaven upon death, is the primary hope of the apostolic church as testified to in the New Testament. Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
28 April, 2011
The Law
Interpreting and applying the Mosaic (Sinaitic) law is the focus of the fourteenth class from my course, Hermeneutics. The first part of the class provides a brief overview of the historical background, purpose, and function of the law, as well as a discussion of its nature and some of its peculiarities. The second part of the class focuses on the application of the law in light of the New Covenant. Audio and notes are available here.
17 April, 2011
The Church's Hope
The return of Jesus, the resurrection, and the renewal of creation are the primary Christian hope expressed in the New Testament. These are discussed along with heaven (which is not viewed as the primary Christian hope of the New Testament) in the 22nd class of the course, God's Story of Redemption. Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
14 April, 2011
Interpreting the Gospels & Parables
This week's Hermeneutics lesson focuses on the interpretation of the Gospels and of Parables. Audio and notes are available here.
10 April, 2011
The Church's Identity
Today's class from God's Story of Redemption looks at some of the major biblical metaphors for the church, such as the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, and the Bride of Christ. These are considered in continuity with God's original purpose for humanity and creation. Also briefly considered is a nuanced understanding of the church as the "true" Israel, which does not necessarily view the church as fully replacing historical Israel and God's purposes for the nation. Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
07 April, 2011
Interpreting OT Narrative & Acts
In class #12 of my Hermeneutics course various interpretive guidelines are given for OT narratives and the Book of Acts. Included is a discussion of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and two handouts. One handout is a brief, categorized analysis of the five instances recorded in Acts which involve believers being initially filled with the Holy Spirit. The second handout is a brief, categorized analysis of the twelve instances recorded in Acts which involve the proclamation of the apostolic gospel to non-believers. Audio & notes are available here.
06 April, 2011
Jesus the Messiah II
Class #20 of God's Story of Redemption continues its focus on Jesus as the promised Messiah. Topics covered include his fulfillment of the suffering dimensions of Isaiah's Servant of Yahweh, as well as his partial fulfillment of the major categories of the Old Testament messianic promises. Also included is a discussion of the eschatological framework of the New Testament, which addresses the concepts of "the Last Days" and of the phrase "already, not yet."
Audio and notes are available here.
Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
31 March, 2011
Hermeneutics: Application
What are some guidelines to the sound application of the Bible, given that we've done our homework well and have a reasonably sound understanding of the originally intended meaning of the text?
Lesson #11, "Application," of our leadership course on hermeneutics addresses this question in a 70 minute audio recording with three pages of lecture notes, all of which is available here.
Lesson #11, "Application," of our leadership course on hermeneutics addresses this question in a 70 minute audio recording with three pages of lecture notes, all of which is available here.
27 March, 2011
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus is both the embodiment of Israel and the second and last Adam. He is both true Israel and true humanity. As such he is the recipient of all the privileges and promises granted to Adam and to Israel, and the one through whom God will fulfill all his good purposes both for Israel and for humanity. Thus, all God's promises are "Yes" for those who are in Christ.
This is the focus of the 19th class from the course, God's Story of Redemption. Audio and notes are available here.
This is the focus of the 19th class from the course, God's Story of Redemption. Audio and notes are available here.
Mission of God,
24 March, 2011
The Biblical Metanarrative
The Bible presents us with a metanarrative of redemption, which involves a divine missional objective accomplished through a messianic redeemer. This metanarrative is properly understood in terms of its grounding in the purposes of creation, its cohesiveness throughout Scripture, its objectives in the present and coming ages, and its ultimate fulfillment through the person of Jesus. A basic understanding of it equips the interpreter with an important missional and messianic hermeneutic, which greatly aids in the exegesis and application of the biblical text.
Lesson 10 of my current Hermeneutics course provides an overview of the biblical metanarrative of redemption. Audio and notes may be accessed here.
Lesson 10 of my current Hermeneutics course provides an overview of the biblical metanarrative of redemption. Audio and notes may be accessed here.
Mission of God,
20 March, 2011
Review II - God's Story of Redemption
In "Review II" I piece together the theological significance of the Creation, the Image of God, the Fall, Abraham, Israel, the Exodus, the Law, the Davidic Covenant, the Prophets, and Jewish Messianic Expectations. It is a reflective summary of the biblical metanarrative from the Old Testament, and serves as a pause before embarking upon the unfolding of God's Story of Redemption in the New Testament. Audio & notes are available here.
Mission of God,
17 March, 2011
Postmodernism; Allegorization
Audio & notes are available for our ninth class in the Hermeneutics course. The focus of the class was split between a review of Dr. Brian Miller's presentation on Postmodernism, and a brief overview of the dangers of allegorization as an interpretive methodology. Access is available in the upper right hand column of this website, or by clicking here.
13 March, 2011
Messianic Expectations
Lesson #17 of my course God's Story of Redemption focuses on the historical development of and the constellation of beliefs surrounding first century Jewish messianic expectations. Understanding this is crucial to understanding Jesus and the early Church's eschatological hope. Audio and notes are now available here.
Mission of God,
10 March, 2011
Postmodernism, Hermeneutics, & the Church by Dr. Brian Miller
The Hermeneutics class was privileged to host Dr. Brian Miller today, who lectured on the distinctions between Pre-Modern, Modern, and Post-Modern worldviews, and the implications of the latter two upon both hermeneutics and the Church. It was an outstanding overview, and is especially relevant for church leaders and thinking Christians in the Western world. Dr. Miller has graciously granted permission for both the audio and the slides to be made available. You may access them here.
06 March, 2011
The Prophets' Message of Restoration
Class #16 of God's Story of Redemption focuses on the enscripturated prophets' message of restoration for the exiles of Judah and Israel. These prophecies are enormously significant in terms of setting the stage for the historical development of a messianic expectation among the Jews. Audio and notes can be found here.
Mission of God,
03 March, 2011
Biblical Imagery
The seventh class from my hermeneutics course covers the interpretation of biblical imagery. You can access the audio and notes here.
27 February, 2011
The Prophets: Covenant Enforcers
The fifteenth class from "God's Story of Redemption" has been completed with audio and notes available here. The class focuses on the foundational function of the enscripturated prophets as divinely appointed mediators sent to enforce the terms of the Mosaic Covenant vis-a-vis the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
Mission of God,
24 February, 2011
Interpretive Principles I
The latest class from my Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) course is available here. The topic is "Interpretive Principles I." Special thanks goes to Pastor Kevin Conner, whose text, "Interpreting the Scriptures," provided the foundational basis for the material presented.
20 February, 2011
Solomon & the Temple
Audio and notes for the latest class from "God's Story of Redemption" are now available here. The focus is upon Solomon's idealized (partial) fulfillment of the promises of the Mosaic and Davidic Covenants, and upon the Temple's symbolic significance in relation to the cosmos as originally outlined in the first chapter of Genesis. All of this is understood to foreshadow God's ultimate redemptive purposes which are fulfilled in and through Jesus in the renewed creation.
Mission of God,
17 February, 2011
Hermeneutics - Content
The audio and notes for the latest installment of the Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) course I'm teaching for Bethel's pastoral staff are now available here, or by clicking the link in the upper right hand column of this webpage. The subject covered is "Content," referring to the biblical text itself.
13 February, 2011
The Davidic Covenant
The class, "God's Story of Redemption," continues with its thirteenth lesson, which focuses on "The Davidic Covenant." In this lesson I lecture on the contextual connection between God's promise to King David of an everlasting dynasty and God's purpose for Israel, as well as its link to the Mosaic Law and its anticipation of the Messianic "Son of David."
Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking on the appropriate link at the top of the right hand column on this webpage.
Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking on the appropriate link at the top of the right hand column on this webpage.
Mission of God,
06 February, 2011
The Nature of the Law
Audio and Notes for the twelfth class, "The Nature of the Law," from the course, "God's Story of Redemption," are available here.
Topics include the holistic nature of the law, its civil, ceremonial, and moral dimensions, apodictic and casuistic law, the food laws, unusual prohibitions, the shedding of blood, etc.
Topics include the holistic nature of the law, its civil, ceremonial, and moral dimensions, apodictic and casuistic law, the food laws, unusual prohibitions, the shedding of blood, etc.
Mission of God,
03 February, 2011
The Purpose of the Law
The audio and notes from the last class from God's Story of Redemption is now available here. The title of the class is "The Law's Purpose."
You can always access the course from the link provided in the upper right hand column of this blog.
You can always access the course from the link provided in the upper right hand column of this blog.
Mission of God,
Literary Context
Audio and Notes are now available here for the latest class, "Literary Context," from the Hermeneutics course I'm teaching at Bethel World Outreach Center for staff development.
The course can always be accessed by the link located in the upper right hand column of this blog.
The course can always be accessed by the link located in the upper right hand column of this blog.
27 January, 2011
Historical Context
The audio and notes for the class I'm teaching on Hermeneutics are now available here. This week's topic is "Historical Context."
18 January, 2011
I've recently begun a course on Hermeneutics (the underlying principles of biblical interpretation) for the pastoral staff as part of a leadership development program at Bethel World Outreach Center. The audio and notes for the course will be made available online here at this blog on a separate webpage, which can be accessed through the link provided in the upper right column of this page, or simply by clicking here.
16 January, 2011
Exodus: A Paradigm of Redemption
The course I teach at Bethel World Outreach Center is in full swing again after the holiday hiatus. The latest class is entitled, "Exodus: A Paradigm of Redemption." You can access the audio and notes via the link located in the upper right hand column of this webpage, or simply by clicking here.
Mission of God,
06 January, 2011
God's Story of Redemption resumes!
At long last after a hiatus due to illness and the holidays, I've resumed the class I'm teaching on God's Story of Redemption. Just to review, here's my objective for this weekly class which will run about 22 weeks altogether:
- "Students should grow in their theological understanding of the biblical metanarrative of redemption in terms of its grounding in the purposes of creation, its cohesiveness throughout Scripture, and its objectives in the present and coming ages, and consequently grow in their awe of God, their eschatological hope for the return of Jesus Christ, and their desire to holistically engage in God’s mission now."
Mission of God,
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