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26 May, 2011

Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) - completed

The seventeen session course on Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) is now complete. Audio and notes are available here. Session topics included the following:
  1. Intro: Theological Studies
  2. Intro: Exegesis & Hermeneutics
  3. Historical Context
  4. Literary Context
  5. Content
  6. Interpretive Principles
  7. Biblical Imagery
  8. Postmodernism
  9. Postmodernism; Allegorization
  10. The Biblical Metanarrative
  11. Application
  12. OT Narrative & Acts
  13. Gospels & Parables
  14. The Law
  15. Prophets & Revelation
  16. Psalms & Wisdom
  17. The Authority of Scripture

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