Two lessons on the New Testament spiritual gift of prophecy were recently taught as lessons #8 and #9 of the series on the Holy Spirit. Lesson One provides a definition of prophecy, addresses some misconceptions concerning the gift, and then focuses on the basic nature of prophecy. Lesson Two discusses the purpose of this spiritual gift, as well as appropriate responses to its operation.
Audio and teaching notes are available here, or via the "Holy Spirit" link in the upper right hand column of this page.
Your comments are welcome. Please use the "comments" link at the end of each post.
20 December, 2012
28 October, 2012
Political Forum
As another presidential election nears in the United States, it is important for dedicated followers of Jesus to apply their faith to the civic duty to vote in such manner as to seek to advance the values and ethics of Christ's kingdom. To that end I gave a seminar at Bethel World Outreach Church in Brentwood, TN, entitled, Political Forum: Thinking Critically About Issues and Candidates as a Christian. The seminar does not directly address either major political party or their presidential candidates, but instead focuses on sound principles, which should remain relevant for years to come so long as America's constitutional form of democracy remains intact.
The introductory remarks addressed the need to develop a biblical worldview based on sound biblical interpretation, giving attention to literary, historical, and cultural contexts. A series of questions are then presented to guide us in identifying and prioritizing issues of contemporary relevance and/or importance. These then must be correlated to any given public office in terms of their political significance. Finally, candidates should then be correspondingly evaluated in relation to appropriately significant issues. Two case studies are briefly considered; namely, abortion and social justice. In conclusion, several resources for further study are enumerated.
The title and core content for the seminar were acquired from Josh Crossman, who served as an elder in the Every Nation church I had pastored in Seattle. As I recall, Josh, who completed his undergraduate studies at Duke University, had acquired the core material from a professor at Duke. I have taken the material and adapted it to my own ends, and therefore assume responsibility for the seminar's content, even though I am unable to take credit for the core concepts, diagrams, etc.
The seminar's audio and notes are available for download as an MP3 file and two alternative PDF files through the following links:
The introductory remarks addressed the need to develop a biblical worldview based on sound biblical interpretation, giving attention to literary, historical, and cultural contexts. A series of questions are then presented to guide us in identifying and prioritizing issues of contemporary relevance and/or importance. These then must be correlated to any given public office in terms of their political significance. Finally, candidates should then be correspondingly evaluated in relation to appropriately significant issues. Two case studies are briefly considered; namely, abortion and social justice. In conclusion, several resources for further study are enumerated.
The title and core content for the seminar were acquired from Josh Crossman, who served as an elder in the Every Nation church I had pastored in Seattle. As I recall, Josh, who completed his undergraduate studies at Duke University, had acquired the core material from a professor at Duke. I have taken the material and adapted it to my own ends, and therefore assume responsibility for the seminar's content, even though I am unable to take credit for the core concepts, diagrams, etc.
The seminar's audio and notes are available for download as an MP3 file and two alternative PDF files through the following links:
20 September, 2012
The phenomena of "tongues" is addressed in the seventh installment of the series on the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts and Paul's first letter to the Corinthians serve as the primary sources for the development of a biblical doctrine on the subject. After considering Luke's historical accounts of believers' initial infillings with the Holy Spirit and the corresponding phenomena of tongues, attention is then turned to the purpose, nature, function, and benefits of this activity as indicated by the apostle Paul. Some pastoral advice and exhortation is provided as a conclusion. In addition to the audio teaching, the teaching notes also include a section which seeks to harmonize the historical data recorded in Acts with Paul's teaching in Corinthians.
Audio and notes can be accessed here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column of this webpage.
Audio and notes can be accessed here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column of this webpage.
Holy Spirit
02 September, 2012
The Holy Spirit & Righteousness
This is the sixth installment in a series on the Holy Spirit. In this lesson the nature of the relationship of the Holy Spirit to righteousness is explored by a consideration of Paul's letter to the Galatians. In it Paul emphatically underscores two main points germane to the topic. First, Paul points out that the primary purpose of the gift of righteousness is the reception of the promise of the Holy Spirit, and that all of this takes place not on the basis of human effort, but by believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (The contrast between these two means of seeking righteousness is briefly explored as part of the lesson.) Second, Paul explains the Holy Spirit's necessary and essential role in enabling the believer to put to death the sinful desires of our fallen nature, and to instead live lives that reflect the nature of God manifested in godly human behavior and relationships.
Audio and notes are available here, or via the "Holy Spirit" link provided in the upper right hand column of this page.
Audio and notes are available here, or via the "Holy Spirit" link provided in the upper right hand column of this page.
Holy Spirit
12 July, 2012
The Land
Land is a major biblical theme, particularly in the Old Testament. This lesson, which was taught some time ago but is just now being posted, is the tenth in the series, God's Story of Redemption. The significance of land is focused upon primarily in the context of Israel, and begins by a consideration of creation itself before moving on to its centrality in the promises made to the Patriarchs. The symbolic and strategic significance of the Promised Land are then viewed in light of Eden with an ultimate eschatological fufillment in the New Jerusalem of the renewed creation.
Audio and notes are available here, or via the course link located in the upper right hand column of this page.
Audio and notes are available here, or via the course link located in the upper right hand column of this page.
Mission of God,
06 June, 2012
Manhood and Culture
How do we respond to culture? Do we oppose it, or embrace it, or accept it, or endure it, or transform it? The biblical account of creation enjoins upon humanity the privilege and responsibility of cultural development as a stewardship to be engaged under the authority of God with accountability to him. Human sin has marred that endeavor. Yet Christ came to redeem not only individual souls, but also the entire creation "project," including human cultural development. How we respond to culture today is determined in large part by our own understanding of both God's original purpose for humanity and God's consummation of his purposes which will be achieved when Jesus returns.
I addressed these issues at a recent men's gathering at my church, Bethel World Outreach Church. Although the material was somewhat tailored to an audience of men, it nevertheless is accessible and applicable to both genders. Audio and notes can be accessed via the following links.
Audio for all five of the sessions taught by various speakers at the men's gathering can be accessed at Bethel's website under the Audio section of the Media tab. Look for "Be Men Experience 2012."
I addressed these issues at a recent men's gathering at my church, Bethel World Outreach Church. Although the material was somewhat tailored to an audience of men, it nevertheless is accessible and applicable to both genders. Audio and notes can be accessed via the following links.
Audio for all five of the sessions taught by various speakers at the men's gathering can be accessed at Bethel's website under the Audio section of the Media tab. Look for "Be Men Experience 2012."
26 May, 2012
The Holy Spirit and Jesus
In this fourth installment of the series on the Holy Spirit, consideration is given to the nature of the relationship of the Holy Spirit to Jesus. Topics include the Spirit's activity in connection with the miraculous conception of Jesus, his being indwelled and later empowered by the Spirit, and his prophecies and promises regarding the gift of the Spirit to his disciples. All of this is pertinent for Christians today since Jesus is both our forerunner and redeemer, who permanently restores the gift of the Holy Spirit to repentant, believing humanity.
Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the link in the upper right hand column of this web page.
Note: This post is sequentially out of order due to a delay in acquiring an audio file for the lesson.
Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the link in the upper right hand column of this web page.
Note: This post is sequentially out of order due to a delay in acquiring an audio file for the lesson.
Holy Spirit
24 May, 2012
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
"Baptism" in the Holy Spirit is the focus of the fifth installment in my series on the general subject of the Holy Spirit. The subject matter is addressed based on an analysis of the five accounts given in the Book of Acts, which describe the initial experiences of various people being filled with God's Spirit. After a review of the synonymous biblical terms for the same categorical experience, the common elements among the five accounts are discussed. The topic of glossolalia, or tongues, is only briefly mentioned, being reserved as a singular topic for another installment in the series.
The audio and teaching notes are available here, or by clicking the link located in the upper right hand column of this page.
Prior topics include: (1) The Person of the Holy Spirit; (2) The Holy Spirit & Old Testament Fallen Humanity; (3) Old Testament Empowerment; (4) The Holy Spirit & Jesus.
The audio and teaching notes are available here, or by clicking the link located in the upper right hand column of this page.
Prior topics include: (1) The Person of the Holy Spirit; (2) The Holy Spirit & Old Testament Fallen Humanity; (3) Old Testament Empowerment; (4) The Holy Spirit & Jesus.
Holy Spirit
Jesus, Friend of Women
Jesus came to redeem humanity, both male and female. Unfortunately, many have failed to read the Gospels in the light of their ancient historical-cultural context, and so fail to perceive the significance of Jesus' interaction with women and his teaching in relation to women. Beginning with a brief overview of the historical-cultural context of women in first century Judaism, my wife, Carol, recently taught on the topic of "Jesus, Friend of Women." She then goes on to highlight the attention given to women in the Gospels, including the fact that they were disciples and messengers of Jesus.
Carol has served with me in pastoral ministry for nearly thirty years, having been ordained in her early twenties. Since then she has assisted me in church-planting, teaching, discipleship, and oversight of all the various departments typical to leading a church. She has served in pastoral roles in four different churches, ranging in size from a couple dozen congregants to a church of nearly two thousand. She is currently the Pastor of Discipleship at Bethel World Outreach Church in Brentwood, TN, and serves on the church's Executive Team. She also currently serves on the Board for Every Nation Ministries.
The audio file is available here for download. A PDF file of teaching notes that were adapted for use with the church's Life Groups is available for download here.
Carol has served with me in pastoral ministry for nearly thirty years, having been ordained in her early twenties. Since then she has assisted me in church-planting, teaching, discipleship, and oversight of all the various departments typical to leading a church. She has served in pastoral roles in four different churches, ranging in size from a couple dozen congregants to a church of nearly two thousand. She is currently the Pastor of Discipleship at Bethel World Outreach Church in Brentwood, TN, and serves on the church's Executive Team. She also currently serves on the Board for Every Nation Ministries.
The audio file is available here for download. A PDF file of teaching notes that were adapted for use with the church's Life Groups is available for download here.
12 May, 2012
Finding & Funding the Best College for Your Child
In this two hour seminar I address the subject of finding and funding
the best college for your child. The material presented is based on
approximately one hundred hours of research spent in the pursuit of
helping my two sons through the college search, selection, and funding
process. I traveled with each of my sons to numerous private and public
colleges and universities located in multiple states around the country.
Conversations were held with many admissions officers as well as with a
professional financial advisor, who is particularly well-informed with
regard to college funding and financial aid issues.
Audio & notes can be accessed here, or via the page link located in the right hand column of this page.
Audio & notes can be accessed here, or via the page link located in the right hand column of this page.
College Seminar
01 April, 2012
The Holy Spirit: Old Testament Empowerment
The third installment of the Holy Spirit series focuses on the Spirit's empowerment of various individuals and groups of people as recorded in biblical history prior to the incarnation of the Son of God and his consequent gift of the Spirit to repentant, believing humanity following his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Some of the various functions for which people were empowered are highlighted, in addition to the distinction between the Spirit's empowerment of people before and after the Son of God's incarnation.
Audio and notes from this Mar. 7, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Audio and notes from this Mar. 7, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit & OT Fallen Humanity
The second installment of the Holy Spirit series focuses on the limitations of the Spirit's role in effecting redemption under the Mosaic Covenant. The lesson begins by first considering the nature of the relationship of the Holy Spirit to original humanity prior to human rebellion against God. This is done with a view towards the redemption of humanity wrought in Christ which will ultimately fully restore the image of God in man as exhibited in Jesus. The lesson concludes with an overview of the Old Testament promise of the Spirit's indwelling and transforming God's people.
Audio and notes from this Feb. 15, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Audio and notes from this Feb. 15, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Holy Spirit
The Person of the Holy Spirit
The first installment of the Holy Spirit series focuses on the personhood of the third member of the trinity after an introduction stressing the importance of learning more about God's Spirit. His immaterial nature and holiness are addressed before delving into his divinity, both in terms of his attributes and his relationship to the Father and the Son.
Audio and notes from this Feb. 8, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Audio and notes from this Feb. 8, 2012, presentation are available here, or by clicking the Holy Spirit link in the upper right hand column.
Holy Spirit
08 March, 2012
The Holy Spirit - New Series
I've begun a new teaching series on "The Holy Spirit," which is being taught at
Bethel World Outreach Church, an Every Nation member church, in
Brentwood, Tennessee.
The series will focus on various biblical, theological, and ministerial dimensions related to the person of the Holy Spirit. The objective of the series is to increase the understanding of believing students, as well as their experience of God's presence and power in their worship and service of God.
All the teaching notes and audio files for the series can be accessed here, or at the link at the top right hand column of this webpage. Posts will be intermittent, averaging perhaps two per month.
Recommended reading includes: Renewal Theology, Vol. 2, by J. R. Williams, and Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, by Gordon Fee.
The series will focus on various biblical, theological, and ministerial dimensions related to the person of the Holy Spirit. The objective of the series is to increase the understanding of believing students, as well as their experience of God's presence and power in their worship and service of God.
All the teaching notes and audio files for the series can be accessed here, or at the link at the top right hand column of this webpage. Posts will be intermittent, averaging perhaps two per month.
Recommended reading includes: Renewal Theology, Vol. 2, by J. R. Williams, and Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, by Gordon Fee.
Holy Spirit
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