How do we respond to culture? Do we oppose it, or embrace it, or accept it, or endure it, or transform it? The biblical account of creation enjoins upon humanity the privilege and responsibility of cultural development as a stewardship to be engaged under the authority of God with accountability to him. Human sin has marred that endeavor. Yet Christ came to redeem not only individual souls, but also the entire creation "project," including human cultural development. How we respond to culture today is determined in large part by our own understanding of both God's original purpose for humanity and God's consummation of his purposes which will be achieved when Jesus returns.
I addressed these issues at a recent men's gathering at my church,
Bethel World Outreach Church. Although the material was somewhat tailored to an audience of men, it nevertheless is accessible and applicable to both genders. Audio and notes can be accessed via the following links.
Audio for all five of the sessions taught by various speakers at the men's gathering can be accessed at
Bethel's website under the Audio section of the Media tab. Look for "Be Men Experience 2012."
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