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23 February, 2013

Authority (Sys Theo #05)

Divine authority, particularly in relation to Christian Scripture, is the focus of lesson five from Systematic Theology. Highlights include the divine-human authorship of Scripture, the nature of the divine inspiration of the text, the appropriate human response to biblical authority, as well as the appropriate approach to biblical interpretation and application.

Audio and notes to this lesson and the entire course are located here, or by clicking the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this webpage.

16 February, 2013

Revelation (Sys Theo #04)

Lesson four of Systematic Theology considers three questions related to the topic of divine revelation: 1) What is the difference between God's gifts of general revelation and special revelation? 2) What is the nature of special revelation? 3) What are some primary modes of special revelation? The implications are significant for Christian life and ministry of all kinds.

Audio and notes are available here, or via the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this page.

02 February, 2013

The Canon (Sys Theo #03)

The third class of Systematic Theology focuses on the formation of the biblical canon; that is, the process by which the church delineated the boundaries of those texts which were accepted as divinely inspired and hence authoritative for the life of the church. Audio and notes are available via the link in the upper right hand column of this webpage, or by clicking here.

Systematic Theology (Sys Theo #02)

The second introductory class of the Systematic Theology course provides a brief explanation of systematic theology and its relation to other standard theological disciplines, as well as a brief explanation of the methodological approach taken in the course. Audio and notes are available via the link in the upper right column of this webpage, or by clicking here.

Religion, Truth, and Theology (Sys Theo #01)

The Systematic Theology course has kicked off with an introductory class that briefly touches on the topics of religion and truth, considered in the context of the study of Christian theology. The teaching audio and notes are available on the dedicated page for the course, a link for which is located in the upper right column of this webpage. Or you can simply click here.