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Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology will cover the major doctrines of the Christian faith over three semesters, consisting of approximately 60 weeks, taught over three years. Topics will include: Revelation, God's Person and Work, Humanity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, Church, and Eschatology.

The course is being taught at Bethel World Outreach Church in Brentwood, TN, for our pastors and ministers, and is being attended by some pastors and ministers from some of our other Bethel congregations and from Every Nation.

The class will meet on Wednesdays, excluding the first Wednesday of each month, summers, the end-of-year holiday season, and occasional Wednesdays due to scheduling conflicts. Audio and notes will typically be uploaded soon thereafter.

This webpage serves as a resource to access the lecture notes and audio for this class. For more technical information regarding accessing the resources, see "Technical Info" at the bottom of this page.

Course Textbooks: Millard Erickson's Christian Theology, 2nd Ed., and Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology.

Semester One
  1. Religion
  2. Systematic Theology
  3. Canon
  4. Revelation
  5. Authority
  6. Inerrancy
  7. Attributes #1
  8. Attributes #2
  9. Attributes #3
  10. Attributes #4
  11. Trinity #1
  12. Trinity #2
  13. Creation
  14. Providence
  15. Evil
  16. Prayer
  17. Angels
  18. Satan and Demons
Semester Two
  1. Human Origins 1
  2. Human Origins 2 - by Dr. Brian Miller
  3. Image of God
  4. Nature of Man
  5. Nature of Sin
  6. Results of Sin
  7. Source of Sin
  8. Christ: Incarnation 1
  9. Christ: Incarnation 2
  10. Christ: Resurrection
  11. Christ: Ascension
  12. Christ: Atonement 1
  13. Christ: Atonement 2
Technical Info

NOTES - All notes are posted in the PDF format on Google Drive. They should automatically load and be visible onscreen after you click the link, but can also be downloaded and viewed later. If you cannot view the document after it is downloaded, you may need to download and install Adobe Reader. (If this link is broken, simply google "Adobe Reader," go to the appropriate website and follow the directions to install the program.)

AUDIO - All audio is posted in the MP3 format. Currently, it is necessary for you to download the entire file to your computer and then play it with an appropriate media player. If the file does not play after you download it, you most likely need an up-to-date version of iTunes or Windows Media Player or Real Player. (If these links are broken, simply google the phrase "download iTunes" or "download Windows Media Player" or "download RealPlayer," go to the appropriate website and follow the directions to install the program.)

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