Your comments are welcome. Please use the "comments" link at the end of each post.

07 December, 2013

Lord's Prayer - Forgive Us

The sixth installment on the Lord's Prayer constitutes the fifth petition of the prayer. The magnitude of our sins is considered in light of the immediate context of the Sermon on the Mount. The riches of God's mercy and the severity of God's justice are then considered in light of the parable of the Unforgiving Servant found in chapter eighteen of Matthew's Gospel. Finally, forgiveness is considered in light of the importance of relationships.

Audio and notes can be found here, or via the link in the upper right column of this page.

15 November, 2013

One Page Access to Resources

All audio and teaching notes resources for nearly all of the topical and course webpages on my blog can now be accessed via a single link per topic or course. Simply scroll to the bottom of the Resources section on any of my topic or course pages, and there will be a link that will take you to a folder that contains all of the audio and notes files for that particular topic or course. This should make it easier to do multiple downloads.

Satan & Demons (Sys Theo #18)

Satan & demons (or fallen angels) are the subject matter of lesson 18 of the Systematic Theology course. Topics covered include: their origin, the nature & timing of their fall, the enigmatic "sons of God" in Genesis 6, Satan's leadership, the nature & extent of the evil angels' activity, spiritual warfare, demonization, and their ultimate doom.

Audio and notes are available on the Systematic Theology page, the link to which is located in the upper right column of this page.

This lesson completes Semester One of the course. Semester Two will begin in January, 2014, and will cover the broad categories of Humanity, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

31 October, 2013

Angels (Sys Theo #17)

Angels are the topic of interest for lesson #17 in Systematic Theology. Subject matter includes their existence, nature, abode, organization, and classification, in addition to a biblical list of facts concerning them. Angels are also considered in relation to God's sovereignty and prayer, with a consideration of the belief in guardian angels. Finally, angels are considered in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ, including the enigmatic Angel of the Lord.

Audio and notes are available at the Systematic Theology page, which can be accessed by the link in the upper right column of this page.

24 October, 2013

Prayer (Sys Theo #16)

Prayer is reflected upon from a theological perspective in the latest class from my Systematic Theology course. The mediatorial work of Christ in relation to prayer is considered first. Then, prayer is considered in the light of God's absolute sovereignty. This is followed by some reflections on the biblical data concerning the prayer life of the apostle Paul, including his "unanswered" prayer regarding his "thorn in the flesh." Biblical reasons for "unanswered" prayer are enumerated, followed by some concluding reflections on the relational character of prayer.

Audio and notes are available here, or via the link in the upper right column of this page.

Evil (Sys Theo #15)

Evil, pain, and suffering are the focus of this lesson in the Systematic Theology series. The concept of theodicy seeks to resolve how it is that these exist in a world created by an almighty and good creator.  Evil is considered in terms of the typical categories of moral and natural evil, and how these are related to moral freedom, divine sovereignty, a cruciform design in creation, and the crucifixion. The class concludes with reflection on the redemptive purposes of evil, pain, and suffering in the light of divinely revealed ultimate purposes.

Audio and notes are available here, or via the link in the upper right column.

02 September, 2013

Vanderbilt Bible Study

For those interested: I've recently completed a Bible Study on the biblical metanarrative of redemption. I met weekly with a group of graduate and professional students from Vanderbilt and other nearby schools, as well as some who have recently graduated from such programs.

I didn't audio record the studies since they involved frequent discussion, but I've posted the notes online, which are accessible via the link below. The content is a truncated version of the 26 week course, God's Story of Redemption, available on this site with links to audio and notes.

Click here to access notes for the shorter study: Biblical Metanarrative of Redemption, which totals eleven sets of teaching notes, the last of which is a summary of the material.

30 August, 2013

Providence (Sys Theo #14)

Lesson 14 of Systematic Theology is broken into two parts. The first discusses a brief article I wrote entitled, "Worldview, Postmodernism, and Hermeneutics," located on this blog. I wrote the article in large part because of the so-called science-faith debate particularly as it involves the issue of evolutionary theory. My comments urge caution in light of the Church's historic catastrophic mistake in regards to geocentrism as understood by the Church to be the authoritative teaching of Scripture. This part of the class is really a continuation of Lesson 13 on Creation.

The second part of the class focuses on God's providence in terms of his preservation and guidance.

Audio and notes, as always, are located via the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this page.

24 August, 2013

Creation (Sys Theo #13)

The Systematic Theology class has resumed with the 13th lesson on the doctrine of creation. The importance of the creation from a biblical and theological standpoint are considered with reflection upon the creation's distinction from its Creator, its "goodness" and purpose, its ontological "structure" and (mis)direction, and its ultimate redemption. The creation is also considered in light of the incarnation and resurrection of the Son of God.

Audio and Notes are available here, or at the course link in the upper right column of this page.

25 July, 2013

The Lord's Prayer

"The Lord's Prayer" is a series of teachings being taught at Bethel World Outreach Church, an Every Nation member church, in Brentwood, Tennessee.

The series will focus on the model prayer taught by Jesus in Matthew's Gospel (6:9-15). The component parts of the prayer will be studied and applied in sequential order. The objective of the series is to increase the understanding and desire of Christians to personally pray with the insights provided from this model prayer.

Audio and notes can be accessed via the appropriate link in the upper right column of this webpage.

24 May, 2013

Trinity - 2 (Sys Theo #12)

The second lesson on the Trinity covers an overview of five incorrect understandings of the Trinity, a brief look at the Athanasian Creed, and a consideration of some social implications of five aspects of the Trinitarian relationships within God's being. Audio and notes are available on the Systematic Theology webpage dedicated to the course content, which can be accessed in the upper right column of this page.

Note: The course is now on summer break and will resume August 14, 2013.

20 May, 2013

Trinity - 1 (Sys Theo #11)

The Trinity is the subject of lessons eleven and twelve for the Systematic Theology course. The first lesson provides a definition, a sampling of scriptural references for the doctrine, and a consideration of the roles and relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It concludes with a look at the Nicene Creed.

Audio and notes are available at the course webpage, a link for which is located in the upper right column of this page.

11 May, 2013

Attributes of God - 4 (Sys Theo #10)

The tenth lesson of Systematic Theology completes an overview of God's attributes by focusing on the following divine qualities: holiness; righteousness, justice, and wrath; omnipotence, freedom, sovereignty, and will; as well as a brief consideration of God's perfection. Audio and notes are available here, or via the course link in the upper right column of this page.

There will be two more lessons focusing on the Trinity before taking a summer break. Classes will resume in August.

04 May, 2013

Attributes of God - 3 (Sys Theo #09)

This ninth lesson of the Systematic Theology course is the third to focus on the attributes of God. Covered in this lesson are the following: omniscience, wisdom, truthfulness and faithfulness, love, and goodness. Audio and notes are available here, or via the course link in the upper right column of this page.

There will be one more lesson on God's attributes and then two lessons on the Trinity before taking a summer break. Classes will resume in August.

29 March, 2013

Attributes of God - 2 (Sys Theo #08)

A second lesson on the attributes of God is the seventh installment of the Systematic Theology course. Content includes a consideration of the unity of God's being, the spirituality, indivisibility, life, personhood, and omnipresence of God.

Audio and notes are available via the Systematic Theology link in the upper right hand column of this page.

24 March, 2013

Attributes of God - 1 (Sys Theo #07)

This seventh class for Systematic Theology kicks off a block of four classes which will focus on the major attributes or qualities of God. This particular class focuses on God's uniqueness, infinitude, independence, unchangeableness, and eternity.

Audio and notes are available here, or by clicking the course link in the upper right hand column of this page.

13 March, 2013

Inerrancy (Sys Theo #06)

A careful consideration of what Christians mean when referring to the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible is the focus of the sixth lesson in Systematic Theology. Key to this view is the need to carefully study and interpret the Bible according to its literary, historical, cultural setting, and in line with the purpose for which the texts were written. Consideration is also given to the implications of this view.

Audio and notes are available here, or via the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this page.

23 February, 2013

Authority (Sys Theo #05)

Divine authority, particularly in relation to Christian Scripture, is the focus of lesson five from Systematic Theology. Highlights include the divine-human authorship of Scripture, the nature of the divine inspiration of the text, the appropriate human response to biblical authority, as well as the appropriate approach to biblical interpretation and application.

Audio and notes to this lesson and the entire course are located here, or by clicking the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this webpage.

16 February, 2013

Revelation (Sys Theo #04)

Lesson four of Systematic Theology considers three questions related to the topic of divine revelation: 1) What is the difference between God's gifts of general revelation and special revelation? 2) What is the nature of special revelation? 3) What are some primary modes of special revelation? The implications are significant for Christian life and ministry of all kinds.

Audio and notes are available here, or via the Systematic Theology link in the upper right column of this page.

02 February, 2013

The Canon (Sys Theo #03)

The third class of Systematic Theology focuses on the formation of the biblical canon; that is, the process by which the church delineated the boundaries of those texts which were accepted as divinely inspired and hence authoritative for the life of the church. Audio and notes are available via the link in the upper right hand column of this webpage, or by clicking here.

Systematic Theology (Sys Theo #02)

The second introductory class of the Systematic Theology course provides a brief explanation of systematic theology and its relation to other standard theological disciplines, as well as a brief explanation of the methodological approach taken in the course. Audio and notes are available via the link in the upper right column of this webpage, or by clicking here.

Religion, Truth, and Theology (Sys Theo #01)

The Systematic Theology course has kicked off with an introductory class that briefly touches on the topics of religion and truth, considered in the context of the study of Christian theology. The teaching audio and notes are available on the dedicated page for the course, a link for which is located in the upper right column of this webpage. Or you can simply click here.

20 January, 2013

Systematic Theology Course

I am beginning another course; this time, Systematic Theology. I'll be covering the major doctrines over three semesters, consisting of approximately 60 weeks, taught over two years. Topics will include: Revelation, God's Person and Work, Humanity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, Church, and Eschatology. Two textbooks will be used: Millard Erickson's Christian Theology, 2nd Ed., and Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology.

The course is being taught at Bethel World Outreach Church in Brentwood, TN, for our pastors and ministers, and is being attended by some pastors and ministers from some of our other Bethel congregations and from Every Nation.

The class will meet on Wednesdays, excluding the first Wednesday of each month, summers, the end-of-year holiday season, and occasional Wednesdays due to scheduling conflicts. Audio and notes will typically be uploaded soon thereafter. They can be accessed here, or via the link at top of the right hand column of this webpage.