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29 March, 2015

16 Jesus Messiah - II

The sixteenth lesson of the Metanarrative of Redemption focuses on Jesus as the Suffering Servant of Yahweh found in Isaiah. In connection with the themes covered in the prior lesson, Jesus is then viewed as the qualified initiator of a new covenant. Finally, the eschatological framework of the New Testament is considered in light of the Messianic expectations from the Old Testament which were not fulfilled in Jesus' first coming.

Audio and lecture notes are available via the course link in the upper right column of this page.

15 Jesus Messiah - I

The fifteenth lesson of the Metanarrative of Redemption looks at Jesus as the embodiment of the true Israel and of true humanity. As true Israel, Jesus' life broadly parallels Israel's historic experiences. He also fulfills through obedience the requirements of the Law and the Prophets. Consequently, all of God's promises to Israel are "yes" in him. Furthermore, this helps explain the New Testament authors' attribution to Jesus Old Testament passages, which at first glance appear to have little to do with him.

As true humanity Jesus is understood as having succeeded where Adam failed, and so he is considered the last Adam or second Man. Iranaeus' doctrine of recapitulation is briefly considered in conjunction with this theme.

Audio and lecture notes are available through the course link in the upper right column of this page.

16 March, 2015

14 Messianic Expectations

Lesson 14 of the course, The Metanarrative of Redemption, gives attention to the Messianic expectations that had arisen among the Jewish people of the first century A.D. Time is given to consider the corporate historical experiences of the nation of Israel which gave shape to the development of their Messianic expectations. Attention is then given to the constellation of beliefs concerning God's promises of restoration and redemption based on the Old Testament enscripturated prophets.

Audio and lecture notes can be accessed via the course link located in the upper right column of this webpage.

13 Prophets: Restoration

Lesson 13 of the Metanarrative of Redemption course focuses on the theme of restoration found in the enscripturated prophets of the Old Testament. The historical context of exile and the hope of return to the Promised Land and of rebuilding the nation and temple is the immediate impetus which informs this theme of restoration. Three major categories encompass the majority of the prophetic promises concerning restoration: 1) God will restore the nation, 2) God will renew his people (including their worship), 3) God will rule the nations. This theme of restoration is ultimately understood in the light of the Messiah.

Audio and lecture notes are available through the course link in the upper right column of the webpage.

12 Prophets: Enforcement

Lesson 12 of the Metanarrative of Redemption course focuses on the nature and function of the enscripturated prophets of the Old Testament. After considering their historical context, attention is given to their function as Mosaic Covenant enforcement mediators and the three primary emphases which were addressed in their writings. These involve the themes of blessing, judgment, and restoration.

Audio and lecture notes are available through the course link in the upper right column of this page.