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24 May, 2012

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

"Baptism" in the Holy Spirit is the focus of the fifth installment in my series on the general subject of the Holy Spirit. The subject matter is addressed based on an analysis of the five accounts given in the Book of Acts, which describe the initial experiences of various people being filled with God's Spirit. After a review of the synonymous biblical terms for the same categorical experience, the common elements among the five accounts are discussed. The topic of glossolalia, or tongues, is only briefly mentioned, being reserved as a singular topic for another installment in the series.

The audio and teaching notes are available here, or by clicking the link located in the upper right hand column of this page.

Prior topics include:  (1) The Person of the Holy Spirit; (2) The Holy Spirit & Old Testament Fallen Humanity; (3) Old Testament Empowerment; (4) The Holy Spirit & Jesus.

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